Monday, July 14, 2008

Overnight Change in the PC (USA)'s "Authoritative Interpretation" -- What's Up with the Presbyterian Church USA - Part 3

When I first read the about the goings on at GA 218 on the web site (, I didn't understand the gobbledygook about "Authoritative Interpretation."

When we went to our home church, our Pastor explained that the "argument" about ordaining homosexuals has been going on in the Presbyterian Church (USA) for 30 years. The notion has been voted down every time. As long as homosexuality was sin in the PC (USA)'s "Authoritative Interpretation" of the Bible, homosexuals could not be ordained as Pastors.

But you know what? Based on how certain words might be interpreted to from the original language, the PC (USA), at the 218th General Assembly in June, voted to adopt another Authoritative Interpretation.

Presto, change-0. Overnight, everything changed.

Literally overnight, the language in the Authoritative Interpretation that said homosexuality is a sin changed. Guess what.

According to the new Authoritative Interpretation, homosexuality is no longer called sin, paving the way for gays and lesbians to be ordained.

Are you stunned? I was. So were a lot of other people. Like my Pastor.

The only question left is what should we do? Stay in and hang in there? Or bail out of the denomination?

Coming up in future posts: Part 4 - Stay In or Bail?

Part 5 - A Hosea Relationship?

Part 6 - Bad-mouthing denominations

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