I have something eating away at me, and I could use some input.
A few evenings ago, Bill O'Reilly, on his Fox News show
The O'Reilly Factor, told about an incident that had taken place at a professional baseball game. Two lesbians were kissing, and a mother of young children complained telling officials at the ball field that she didn't want her children to see that.
If I remember the facts right, the officials talked to the two lesbians, they refused to stop saying something like they had the same rights as anyone to express their love, and then were asked to leave the ball park. The discussion on the TV show was about whether or not it was legal for the ball field officials to "kick them out." It was said that these two women were not making a big public display, but were just kissing like any couple in love.
Now, kudos to that mother who complained! But here's my dilemma: Put yourself into the picture. Imagine that you are sitting at that ball field within earshot of what's going on. You're not the mother. You're not one of the lesbians. You're just another fan at the ball field watching this go on. You're a Christian. What do you do? Anything?
Honestly, if I had been at the ball park that day watching this, I probably would have sat there and watched, and secretly been cheering for that mother who said something. But I doubt I would have said anything. And I'm ashamed of that.
So, for future reference...for a future incident that may (or mostly likely will) occur, what do you think we
should do?
Have we been so conditioned to think that we can't "discriminate" against anyone, that we have to be tolerant of people who don't believe the same as we do, that we've been silenced?
My husband says, "I'm not going to call it 'gay' anymore. I'm not going to call them 'lesbians.' It's homosexuality. Let's call it what it is."
What would have happened if we were at the ball park that day and one of us stood up and told those lesbians, "What you're doing is wrong. Homosexuality is immoral"? And what if we would have told the ball field officials, "You shouldn't let this continue. It's wrong"?
Do you think it would have caused a ruckus? Do you think we would have been asked to leave the ball park? Would you be willing to give up your seats that you paid for, and the fun afternoon at the ball game that you anticipated, and risk ruining your family's day out, to speak up? What if you ended up on national TV because of it? What if you were booed, or harassed, or sued?
Is it the fear of these things that keeps us silent?
Which is right and which is wrong?:
To stand up and say, "That's immoral. That's wrong."
Or to not stand up and say, "That's immoral. That's wrong."
Have we lost our courage? Shouldn't we say, "That's immoral. And I don't care if you don't like it, I can't watch it and pretend like it's okay. It's not okay. And I have to say something."